Hi everyone, We have been trying to enable the use of selftests for the rust frontend over at gccrs. While doing this, I have realized that a few tests from language-independant source files such as `opt-problem.c` and `diagnostic.c` actually rely on the compiler being a C one.
For example, one test asserts multiple time that a dumped text actually contains the "int" keyword for type assertions, which is never present in gccrs's error messages. In order to enable the selftests, I have added the following line to our rust/Make-lang.in, amongs others: RUST_SELFTEST_FLAGS = -xr $(SELFTEST_FLAGS) Passing -xc instead enables the opt-problem and diagnostic tests to pass, but causes our tests to not run. Passing -xrs causes our tests to run, but the opt-problem and diagnostic selftests to fail. Any idea as to how to disable those tests? Or make it so that they are only ran when running C/C++ selftests? Thanks a lot! Kindly, -- Arthur Cohen