On Fri, 6 Aug 2021, 17:58 Thomas Schwinge, <tho...@codesourcery.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> So I'm trying to do some C++...  ;-)
> Given:
>     /* A map from SSA names or var decls to record fields.  */
>     typedef hash_map<tree, tree> field_map_t;
>     /* For each propagation record type, this is a map from SSA names or
> var decls
>        to propagate, to the field in the record type that should be used
> for
>        transmission and reception.  */
>     typedef hash_map<tree, field_map_t> record_field_map_t;
> Thus, that's a 'hash_map<tree, hash_map<tree, tree>>'.  (I may do that,
> right?)  Looking through GCC implementation files, very most of all uses
> of 'hash_map' boil down to pointer key ('tree', for example) and
> pointer/integer value.
> Then:
>     record_field_map_t field_map ([...]); // see below
>     for ([...])
>       {
>         tree record_type = [...];
>         [...]
>         bool existed;
>         field_map_t &fields
>           = field_map.get_or_insert (record_type, &existed);
>         gcc_checking_assert (!existed);
>         [...]
>         for ([...])
>           fields.put ([...], [...]);
>         [...]
>       }
>     [stuff that looks up elements from 'field_map']
>     field_map.empty ();
> This generally works.
> If I instantiate 'record_field_map_t field_map (40);', Valgrind is happy.
> If however I instantiate 'record_field_map_t field_map (13);' (where '13'
> would be the default for 'hash_map'), Valgrind complains:
>     2,080 bytes in 10 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 828 of 876
>        at 0x483DD99: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:762)
>        by 0x175F010: xcalloc (xmalloc.c:162)
>        by 0xAF4A2C: hash_table<hash_map<tree_node*, tree_node*,
> simple_hashmap_traits<default_hash_traits<tree_node*>, tree_node*>
> >::hash_entry, false, xcallocator>::hash_table(unsigned long, bool, bool,
> bool, mem_alloc_origin) (hash-table.h:275)
>        by 0x15E0120: hash_map<tree_node*, tree_node*,
> simple_hashmap_traits<default_hash_traits<tree_node*>, tree_node*>
> >::hash_map(unsigned long, bool, bool, bool) (hash-map.h:143)
>        by 0x15DEE87: hash_map<tree_node*, hash_map<tree_node*, tree_node*,
> simple_hashmap_traits<default_hash_traits<tree_node*>, tree_node*> >,
> simple_hashmap_traits<default_hash_traits<tree_node*>, hash_map<tree_node*,
> tree_node*, simple_hashmap_traits<default_hash_traits<tree_node*>,
> tree_node*> > > >::get_or_insert(tree_node* const&, bool*) (hash-map.h:205)
>        by 0x15DD52C: execute_omp_oacc_neuter_broadcast()
> (omp-oacc-neuter-broadcast.cc:1371)
>        [...]
> (That's with '#pragma GCC optimize "O0"' at the top of the 'gcc/*.cc'
> file.)
> My suspicion was that it is due to the 'field_map' getting resized as it
> incrementally grows (and '40' being big enough for that to never happen),
> and somehow the non-POD (?) value objects not being properly handled
> during that.  Working my way a bit through 'gcc/hash-map.*' and
> 'gcc/hash-table.*' (but not claiming that I understand all that, off
> hand), it seems as if my theory is right: I'm able to plug this memory
> leak as follows:
>     --- gcc/hash-table.h
>     +++ gcc/hash-table.h
>     @@ -820,6 +820,8 @@ hash_table<Descriptor, Lazy, Allocator>::expand ()
>              {
>                value_type *q = find_empty_slot_for_expand
> (Descriptor::hash (x));
>           new ((void*) q) value_type (std::move (x));
>     +     //BAD Descriptor::remove (x); // (doesn't make sense and) a ton
> of "Invalid read [...] inside a block of size [...] free'd"
>     +     x.~value_type (); //GOOD This seems to work!  -- but does it
> make sense?
>              }
>            p++;
> However, that doesn't exactly look like a correct fix, does it?  I'd
> expect such a manual destructor call in combination with placement new
> (that is being used here, obviously) -- but this is after 'std::move'?
> However, this also survives a smoke-test-like run of parts of the GCC
> testsuite, bootstrap and complete run now ongoing.

Does GCC's hash_map assume you only use it to store POD (plain old data)
types, which don't need to be destroyed, because they don't have any
dynamically allocated memory or other resources?

A hash_map is not a POD, because it does have dynamically allocated memory.

If my guess is right, then hash_map should really use a static_assert to
enforce that requirement, instead of letting you use it in a way that will

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