AIM for today : - update the call_stack to track something else other than supergraph edges
— PROGRESS : - After some brainstorming about tracking the callstack, I think one better way to track the call stack is to keep track of source and destination of the call instead of supperedges representing them. - so I branched again and updated the call-string to now capture a pair of supernodes ( one representing callee and other representing caller ), like this I was not only able to easily port the entire code to adapt it without much difficulty, but now can also push calls to functions that doesn’t possess a superedge. - changes done can be seen on the " refs/users/arsenic/heads/call_string_update “ branch. ( currently this branch doesn’t contain other changes I have done till now, as I wanted to test the new call-string representation exclusively and make sure it doesn’t affect the functionality of the base analyser ) - now hopefully all that is left for tomorrow is to update the analyzer to finally see, call and return from the function aclled via the function pointer. STATUS AT THE END OF THE DAY :- - update the call_stack to track something else other than supergraph edges ( done ) Thank you - Ankur