AIM for today : 

- update the call_string to store a vector of pair of supernode* instead of 
pointer to it 
- create a typdef to give a meaning full name to these " pair of supernode* “
- send the patch list to gcc-patches mailing list
- add the example program I created to the GCC tests



- I successfully changed the entire call string representation again to keep 
track of "auto_vec<element_t> m_elements;” from "auto_vec<const std::pair<const 
supernode *,const supernode *>*> m_supernodes;” 

- while doing so, one hurdle I found was to change "hashval_t hash () const;”, 
function of which I quite didn’t understood properly, but looking at source, it 
looked like it just needed some value ( integer or pointer ) to add to ‘hstate’ 
and ' m_elements’ was neither a pointer nor an integer so I instead added 
pointer to callee supernode ( “second” of the m_elements ) to the ‘hstate’ for 

- for the callstring patch, I created a patch file ( using git format-patch ) 
and sent it to patches mailing list (via git send email ) and CCed my mentor.
Although I received a positive reply from the command log (git send email) 
saying the mail was sent , I didn’t received that mail ( being subscribed to 
the patches list ) regarding the same ( I sent that just before sending this 
mail ).
The mail should be sent from 

- I also added the example I was using to test the analyzer to regression tests 
as "gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/analyzer/call-via-fnptr.c”.


- update the call_string to store a vector of pair of supernode* instead of 
pointer to it ( done )
- create a typdef to give a meaning full name to these " pair of supernode* “ ( 
done )
- send the patch list to gcc-patches mailing list ( done ? )
- add the example program I created to the GCC tests ( done )

> On 07-Jul-2021, at 8:07 PM, David Malcolm <> wrote:
> On Wed, 2021-07-07 at 19:22 +0530, Ankur Saini wrote:


>> also regarding the ChangeLog 
>> how exactly does one update the changelog, does it get updated with
>> the commit messages or do one have to update it manually ? 
>> I found and read this doc (  
>> <> <  
>> <>>) about the
>> same which says that “ ChangeLog entries are part of git commit
>> messages and are automatically put into a corresponding ChangeLog
>> file “. But when I pushed the commits which looks properly formatted
>> to me, I was not able to see the changes reflecting back in 
>> gcc/analyzer/changelog .
> There's a script that runs every 24 hours on the main branches which
> looks at the commits that have happened since the script last run,
> tries to parse the commit messages to find ChangeLog entries, and adds
> a commit adding those entries to the ChangeLog files.  I don't think it
> runs on user branches.
> We require ChangeLog entries when merging code to trunk and the release
> branches, but it may be overkill for a personal development branch. 
> When I'm working on a new feature, I only bother writing the ChangeLog
> when a patch is nearly ready for trunk, since often I find that patches
> need a fair amount of reworking as I test them.

make sense 

> The call_string patch looks nearly ready for trunk, and thus probably
> needs a ChangeLog, but the ipa-devirt work is going to be more
> experimental for now, so I wouldn't bother with ChangeLogs on it yet
> until it's clearer what the changes will be and how to land them into
> trunk.

> I'm currently working on implementing detection of uses of
> uninitialized values in -fanalyzer for GCC 12, and so I'm making my own
> changes (mostly to region-model/store/constraint-manager).  Hopefully
> we won't get too many clashes between our changes.

Ok , I will keep that in mind.

Thank you
- Ankur

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