On 4/14/2021 8:49 AM, Jonathan Wakely via Gcc wrote:
On Wed, 14 Apr 2021 at 15:39, Thomas Koenig wrote:
On 14.04.21 15:18, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
A strong norm about off-list behavior and politics being
out of bounds here is also helpful.
That would have banned the whole discussion about the potential
fork from the start.
No, because once again, I raised the topic of a fork because I do not
feel that association with GNU or FSF benefits the GCC project. I did
not say "we have to cancel them because I don't like their politics"
(as it happens, I do like their politics, which is why I've spent two
decades writing copyleft code for GCC, I just think they have failed
to evolve and are sadly irrelevant today).

[ Speaking for myself, not the steering committee or my employer... ]

Well said (and I'm not being sarcastic).  While my politics may not line up 100% with those of the FSF, GNU project or RMS, they have been close enough for me to spend 30+ years of my life working on GNU tools.  I agree with you Jon that the organizations and RMS personally have failed to evolve -- and I'll go a step further than you did in this message and state that, IMHO, they are actively harmful to GCC and the free software movement in general.

I don't relish the idea of forking GCC again.  Been there, done that, it was painful.  But again, I think we're at a point where it's necessary again.


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