On Wed, Apr 07, 2021 at 06:34:12PM -0400, David Malcolm wrote:
     >      What you're describing sounds like a dictatorship to me.
     > ???? I cannot see how you reach that conclusion.
     Having one guy at the top from whom all power flows.

Power does not "flow" from RMS.  Since you have used a political analogy:
I think it is more akin to a constitutional monarchy.
     What's the process for replacing the guy at the top, if he's become a
     liability to the project?  What would a healthy structure look like?

Many countries have a single person as head of state with no formally
defined process for replacing him or her.   Most of those countries are not
usually descibed as "dictatorships".

Further, history has shown,  in cases where that head of state has been
forcibly removed (eg France, Russia). the regime that replaced them turned
out to be composed of murderous powermongers concerned with nobody's interest
but their own.   I for one, will not sit back and let that heppen to GNU.


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