[...] That "gnu-stucture" document was written by RMS a couple of months ago and doesn't represent how the GNU project and its maintainers have worked for years.
It reflects the same message that has been sent to new GNU maintainers for the decades. The GNU structure and organization document (https://www.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-structure.en.html) is basically a reflection of that, and how we have been doing things for decades. You can raise any issues you think do not reflect on the lists, or with the GNU Advisory Committee. RMS indeed claims to be the "Chief GNUisance" of the GNU project and that that title somehow makes him the leader of the project and that he appoints GNU maintainers. That is true, RMS appoints which projects become GNU projects or not, and who maintains them. And as maintainers we have a lot of freedom, as can be seen here, and elsewhere. The GNU Assembly is having a similar discussion right now It should be noted that this group is not associated with the GNU project, or represents it in anyway, despite pretending to.