On Mon, 15 Mar 2021 at 10:17, Sjoerd Meijer wrote:
> Many thanks for your replies and thoughts on this.
> I wanted to add that I agree with this, and say that this is the
> current state in Clang (exactly because of the reason that
> _Float16 is entirely new):
> I see less value in adding additional distinct types that don't add anything 
> you can't already do. _Float16 gives you access to an entirely new data type. 
> _Float32 just complicates overloading of it's a new type with the same 
> representation as an existing one. With the proposed std::float32 typedef for 
> C++ users will still be able to write code that definitely uses an IEEE 
> binary32 type without needing a new type to be introduced. ISTM that what 
> users really want is "a type guaranteed to be IEEE binary32" and whether that 
> is float or _Float32 is mostly irrelevant.
> And isn't the good news that this is all fairly orthogonal
> and a start could be made with _Float16 and others could be
> added later if required?

Yes, so I think that is the right incremental step forwards for C++.

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