Hi Joseph:

> I don't know if C++ has reached any conclusions about what form C++
> support for such types should take, but my expectation was that something
> library-based, similar to the support for decimal floating-point types,
> might be used.

Thanks, my understanding is that we are not intending to implement those
types on C++ mode.

Sounds like it means if we need a standard half-precision type for C++
we might need to wait https://wg21.link/p1467 ?

> No.  short float has been specifically rejected in WG14, given the
> expectation that people using narrower-than-float types will want a
> specific format (whether binary16 or bfloat16) rather than something more
> generic where they don't know what format it has.

Thanks for the info, I didn't know too much about the

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