On Tue, 29 Sep 2020, Jan Hubicka wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to update me/honza-gcc-benchmark-branch to current trunk
> which I do by deleting it, recreating locally and pushing out.
> The problem is that the push fails witih:
> remote: *** The following commit was rejected by your 
> hooks.commit-extra-checker script (status: 1)
> remote: *** commit: 03e87724864a17e22c9b692cc0caa014e9dba6b1
> remote: *** The first line of a commit message should be a short
> description of the change, not a single word.
> remote: error: hook declined to update

Joel, my understanding was that commit-extra-checker was the right setting 
to use for a hook that should check new commits - commits new to the 
repository, not commits already in the repository that are being added to 
the ancestry of a ref.  Is that not the case?  All the checks I've 
implemented via that hook are only intended to apply to commits that are 
new to the repository.

Joseph S. Myers

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