
I suppose that might be doable but aren't there any ramifications
from the fact that the problematic ssa_names are the default defs?
I can imagine easily replacing all the ssa names except those that
are default defs.

From: Richard Biener <>
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 11:16 PM
To: Gary Oblock <>; Gary Oblock via Gcc 
<>; <>
Subject: Re: Problems with changing the type of an ssa name

[EXTERNAL EMAIL NOTICE: This email originated from an external sender. Please 
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On July 25, 2020 7:30:48 AM GMT+02:00, Gary Oblock via Gcc <> 
>If you've followed what I've been up to via my questions
>on the mailing list, I finally traced my latest big problem
>back to to my own code. In a nut shell here is what
>I'm doing.
>I'm creating a new type exaactly like this:
>    tree pointer_rep =
>      make_signed_type ( TYPE_PRECISION ( pointer_sized_int_node));
>    TYPE_MAIN_VARIANT ( pointer_rep) =
>      TYPE_MAIN_VARIANT ( pointer_sized_int_node);
>    const char *gcc_name =
>identifier_to_locale ( IDENTIFIER_POINTER ( TYPE_NAME (
>    size_t len =
>      strlen ( REORG_SP_PTR_PREFIX) + strlen ( gcc_name);
>    char *name = ( char *)alloca(len + 1);
>    strcpy ( name, REORG_SP_PTR_PREFIX);
>    strcat ( name, gcc_name);
>    TYPE_NAME ( pointer_rep) = get_identifier ( name);
>I detect an ssa_name that I want to change to have this type
>and change it thusly. Note, this particular ssa_name is a
>default def which I seems to be very pertinent (since it's
>the only case that fails.)
>    modify_ssa_name_type ( an_ssa_name, pointer_rep);
>modify_ssa_name_type ( tree ssa_name, tree type)
>  // This rips off the code in make_ssa_name_fn with a
>  // modification or two.
>  if ( TYPE_P ( type) )
>    {
>       TREE_TYPE ( ssa_name) = TYPE_MAIN_VARIANT ( type);
>       if ( ssa_defined_default_def_p ( ssa_name) )
>          {
>             // I guessing which I know is a terrible thing to do...
>           }
>         else
>           {
>           // The following breaks defaults defs hence the check above.
>             SET_SSA_NAME_VAR_OR_IDENTIFIER ( ssa_name, NULL_TREE);
>           }
>        }
>     else
>        {
>          TREE_TYPE ( ssa_name) = TREE_TYPE ( type);
>          SET_SSA_NAME_VAR_OR_IDENTIFIER ( ssa_name, type);
>        }
>After this it dies when trying to call print_generic_expr with the ssa
>Here's the bottom most complaint from the internal error:
>tree check: expected tree that contains ‘decl minimal’ structure, have
>‘integer_type’ in dump_generic_node, at tree-pretty-print.c:3154
>Can anybody tell what I'm doing wrong?

Do not modify existing SSA names, instead create a new one and replace uses of 
the old.


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