Hi, Gaius Thanks for your diligent effort to complete this port of Modula-2 and prepare it for inclusion in GCC. I have forwarded the proposal to the GCC Steering Committee.
Thanks, David On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 5:03 PM Gaius Mulley via Gcc <gcc@gcc.gnu.org> wrote: > > > Hello GCC Steering Committee and fellow GCC developers, > > I was wondering whether now might be a sensible time to graft GNU > Modula-2 into the GCC tree? (on the master branch only). At present > gm2 fully implements PIM2, PIM3, PIM4 and ISO dialects of Modula-2. All > the ISO libraries are implemented - there are a number of PIM libraries > as well. There are also no extra failures on master branch for other > languages when Modula-2 is introduced. > > Since last year all non GPL3 material has been purged, the Ulm libraries > removed (which were GPL2) and libpth removed. All dependent code > (coroutines) replaced by functionally equivalent modules using > libatomic. Multilib libraries are built and gm2 works with lto. All > code is now GPL3 or GPL3.1 with GCC runtime exemption (libraries). It > comes with a testsuite using dejagnu. gm2 builds and runs on i386, > amd64, powerpc64le, aarch64 and thanks to Matthias Klose there are gm2 > Debian packages on https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/gm2 with a few > more architectures. > > Currently gm2 is tracking the GCC development model, there are branches > open for [gm2-4, gm2-6, gm2-8, gm2-9, gm2-10], and gm2-master. > (Although the branches in [] < 10 are not all GPL3 compliant and/or > require libpth). > > The gm2 front code is currently in git on Savannah: > > git clone https://git.savannah.nongnu.org/git/gm2.git > > and there is a nightly automatic rebase of gm2 onto GCC which is > available from: > > git clone http://floppsie.comp.glam.ac.uk/gm2 gm2-floppsie > > [See http://www.nongnu.org/gm2/development.html]. > > which contains the above branches and GCC. The gm2-master branch (on > the floppsie git repro) passes all regressions (on aarch64 and there is > one failure on amd64 - which I will fix after sending this email). It > perhaps might be useful to have yet another language with a regression > testsuite even if just as a canary in the coal mine for various > architectures, maybe? > > There are a few patches required to non m2 directories. A number of > these have been posted before and reviewed twice by Richard Sandiford > and Joseph Myers. (For reference > https://www.mail-archive.com/gcc-patches@gcc.gnu.org/msg225115.html). > I've made the suggested changes and the latest patches to be applied can > be found here: > > > http://git.savannah.nongnu.org/cgit/gm2.git/tree/gcc-versionno/gcc/m2/patches/gcc/trunk > > The git sources can be browsed at: > > http://git.savannah.nongnu.org/cgit/gm2.git/tree/gcc-versionno > > using the master branch. When the patches are applied it would look > like the gm2-master branch on floppsie.comp.glam.ac.uk. > > Anyway from my perspective I'd be very happy to see the master > branch reside in GCC :-) and was wondering if this is a good time? > > regards, > Gaius