Hello GCC Steering Committee and fellow GCC developers,
I was wondering whether now might be a sensible time to graft GNU Modula-2 into the GCC tree? (on the master branch only). At present gm2 fully implements PIM2, PIM3, PIM4 and ISO dialects of Modula-2. All the ISO libraries are implemented - there are a number of PIM libraries as well. There are also no extra failures on master branch for other languages when Modula-2 is introduced. Since last year all non GPL3 material has been purged, the Ulm libraries removed (which were GPL2) and libpth removed. All dependent code (coroutines) replaced by functionally equivalent modules using libatomic. Multilib libraries are built and gm2 works with lto. All code is now GPL3 or GPL3.1 with GCC runtime exemption (libraries). It comes with a testsuite using dejagnu. gm2 builds and runs on i386, amd64, powerpc64le, aarch64 and thanks to Matthias Klose there are gm2 Debian packages on https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/gm2 with a few more architectures. Currently gm2 is tracking the GCC development model, there are branches open for [gm2-4, gm2-6, gm2-8, gm2-9, gm2-10], and gm2-master. (Although the branches in [] < 10 are not all GPL3 compliant and/or require libpth). The gm2 front code is currently in git on Savannah: git clone https://git.savannah.nongnu.org/git/gm2.git and there is a nightly automatic rebase of gm2 onto GCC which is available from: git clone http://floppsie.comp.glam.ac.uk/gm2 gm2-floppsie [See http://www.nongnu.org/gm2/development.html]. which contains the above branches and GCC. The gm2-master branch (on the floppsie git repro) passes all regressions (on aarch64 and there is one failure on amd64 - which I will fix after sending this email). It perhaps might be useful to have yet another language with a regression testsuite even if just as a canary in the coal mine for various architectures, maybe? There are a few patches required to non m2 directories. A number of these have been posted before and reviewed twice by Richard Sandiford and Joseph Myers. (For reference https://www.mail-archive.com/gcc-patches@gcc.gnu.org/msg225115.html). I've made the suggested changes and the latest patches to be applied can be found here: http://git.savannah.nongnu.org/cgit/gm2.git/tree/gcc-versionno/gcc/m2/patches/gcc/trunk The git sources can be browsed at: http://git.savannah.nongnu.org/cgit/gm2.git/tree/gcc-versionno using the master branch. When the patches are applied it would look like the gm2-master branch on floppsie.comp.glam.ac.uk. Anyway from my perspective I'd be very happy to see the master branch reside in GCC :-) and was wondering if this is a good time? regards, Gaius