
On Wed, 2019-12-25 at 06:10 -0600, Segher Boessenkool wrote:
> git-svn did not miss any branches.  Finding branches is not done by
> git-svn at all, for this.  These branches were skipped because they
> have nothing to do with GCC, have no history in common (they are not
> descendants of revision 1).  They can easily be added -- Maxim might
> already have done that, not sure, imo it's better to just drop the
> garbage, it's in svn if anyone cares.

I just looked at one of these "missed" branches CLASSPATH.
That was created when both GNU Classpath and gcc/libgcj were both in
cvs. The idea was that it was a kind of cvs vendor branch of the
upstream GNU Classpath releases (and some random checkouts) which would
make merging imports of new code into the main trunk easier. libgcj was
merged and then based on GNU Classpath in the past/when it was
officially imported into gcc. The CLASSPATH branch only contains files
under libjava/classpath.

Some of the commits look a little odd, probably because it was
converted from cvs2svn and then again to git. GNU Classpath moved to
git a long time ago and never was in subversion. And of course these
days gcj and libgcj aren't part of the main gcc trunk anymore.

There is also a classpath-generics branch, which has a couple of
snapshots of the GNU Classpath generics branch (some pre-releases of
classpath before 0.95 which had generics separately).

There are also some other branches containing classpath:

These branches contain all of gcc, not just the files under
I am not sure why these were separate from the CLASSPATH vendor branch.

Even though I have an (historical) interest in the gcj frontend and GNU
Classpath class library I am not sure these branches would really help
me. Also I think the branch aren't very interesting without the actual
GNU Classpath (git) tree history from which they were cherry-picked.
The classpath git tree does contain tags for each import already, so
you can get the real history there.

Seeing how big the git tree/conversion already is I would suggest
leaving these out of the main git repo if at all possible.

Maybe we should have a separate historical git repo which contains
everything that we were able to salvage and that people could git
remote add if they are really, really interested.



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