On Wed, 18 Jul 2018, David Malcolm wrote:

> Python 3.3 reintroduced the 'u' prefix for unicode string literals (PEP
> 414), which makes it much easier to write scripts that work with both
> 2.* and 3.*.  Python 3.3 is almost 6 years old.

I can't see u'' as of any relevance to .opt parsing.  Both the .opt files, 
and the generated output from them, should be pure ASCII, and using native 
str throughout (never using Python 2 unicode) should work fine.

(I don't see much value in declaring support for EOL versions of Python, 
i.e. anything before 2.7 and 3.4, but if we do, I don't think u'' will be 
a feature that controls which versions are supported.)

Joseph S. Myers

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