> From: Segher Boessenkool
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 12:54:36PM -0400, Paul Koning wrote:
> > >> Fully agree with that. Coming up with a new scripts written in python2 
> > >> really
> > >> makes no sense.
> > > 
> > > Then python cannot be a build requirement for GCC, since some of our
> > > primary targets do not ship python3.
> > 
> > Is it required that GCC must build with only the stock
> > support elements on the primary target platforms?
> Not that I know.  But why
> should we make it hugely harder for essentially
> no benefit?
> All the arguments
> against awk were arguments against *the current scripts*.
> And yes, we can (and
> perhaps should) rewrite those build scripts as C code,
> just like all the other
> gen* we have.


> > Or is it allowed to require installing prerequisites?  Yes,
> > some platforms are so far behind they still don't ship Python 3, but 
> > installing

Sometimes those are not behind, those could have no python for other reasons - 
maybe those are too forward? They just don't have python yet?

> > it is straightforward.
> Installing it is not straightforward at all.

I also agree with this;

Please consider that both Python - 2 and 3 - they both do not 
support build chain on Windows with GCC

for me, it is a showstopper

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