On Mon, 2017-07-31 at 15:25 +0200, Georg-Johann Lay wrote:
> Around 2010, someone who used a code snipped that I published in
> a wiki, reported that the code didn't work and hang in an
> endless loop.  Soon I found out that it was due to some GCC
> problem, and I got interested in fixing the compiler so that
> it worked with my code.
> 1 1/2 years later, in 2011, [...]

I could probably write a similar rant.  This is the life of a "minority
target programmer".  Most development efforts are being done with
primary targets in mind.  And as a result, most changes are being
tested only on such targets.

To improve the situation, we'd need a lot more target specific tests
which test for those regressions that you have mentioned.  Then of
course somebody has to run all those tests on all those various
targets.  I think that's the biggest problem.  But still, with a test
case at hand, it's much easier to talk to people who have silently
introduced a regression on some "other" targets.  Most of the time they
just don't know.


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