On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 8:51 AM, Manuel López-Ibáñez
<lopeziba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Please also note that, in terms of legal papers, the FSF is much more
> flexible than one may think, but they are not very pro-active or fast
> (in my past experience, things may have changed now). If you find some
> internal resistance at your company, it would be good to figure out
> what are the key issues for your employer and what are the possible
> trade-offs, then explain them to the FSF legal team. If there is any
> possible solution at all, they will surely find it out. But it would
> be better to discuss all possibilities with your employer to avoid
> wasteful back and forth.

It might work better to put your employer in touch with the FSF so you
don't have to mediate in a game of telephone; I believe ass...@gnu.org
is the right address to use.


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