Just letting you know I'm still alive!

I'm currently waiting on approval from my employer before I move ahead
with anything; for now, it's just personal research to help ease into
it. Approval may take a month or two, as I work for a large

> I don't know the status of the static analysis tool the Microsoft were 
> planning to release, which would do a lot of the checking.

As far as I'm aware, this is a Visual Studio tool, and thus closed
source. I might be wrong!

> You may wish to check also the Getting Started checklist at:

Although there isn't much that I can publicly do at the moment, please
let me know if there's anything else I can do to prepare myself; I'm
currently researching static analysis and becoming familiar with the
gcc codebase/contributing tips.



On 11 May 2016 at 10:16, Manuel López-Ibáñez <lopeziba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 09/05/16 10:18, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
>> On 8 May 2016@02:10, Christopher Di Bella wrote:
>>> If not, I'd like to get a start on implementing a warning system for
>>> them. I'll create a branch, but I doubt it'll be ready for gcc 7.1's
>>> release.
>> Hi, I don't think anyone is working on that yet.
>> See https://gcc.gnu.org/contribute.html for some prerequisites to
>> contributing significant changes to GCC.
> You may wish to check also the Getting Started checklist at:
> https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/GettingStarted#Basics:_Contributing_to_GCC_in_10_easy_steps
> Cheers,
>         Manuel.

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