Joseph Myers <>:
> On Wed, 26 Aug 2015, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> > After comparing with the Subversion hists, passswd file, the are 30
> > unknowns left.  Can anyone identify any of these?
> > 
> > aluchko = aluchko <aluchko>
> Aaron Luchko <>

Aha.  I thought that was him.  I found his SourceForge account.

> > bo = bo <bo>
> Bo Thorsen <>

Oh, thank you.  I had *no* idea how I was going to pin down that one.  It's
a unpromising string for web searches.

> > ira = ira <ira>
> Ira Ruben <>
> > irar = irar <irar>
> Ira Rosen <>

I pretty much knew these two guys went with these two names, but couldn't
figure out which was which.  Thanks.

>[others omitted]
> All of the above are emails from the time of some commits, not necessarily 
> current.

That's OK.  Addresses will go stale. The important thing is to
preserve as good odds as possible that fuure data mining will be able
to recognize when different name/address pairs with the same
name-among-humans refer to the same person.

The remaining list is pretty short:

bson = bson <bson>
cks = cks <cks>
click = click <click>
dennisg = dennisg <dennisg>
erik = erik <erik>
fp = fp <fp>
friedman = friedman <friedman>
fx = fx <fx>
hassey = hassey <hassey>
jrv = jrv <jrv>
jtw = jtw <jtw>
karl = karl <karl>
moore = moore <moore>
rolfh = rolfh <rolfh>
root = root <root>
thomas = thomas <thomas>
wood = wood <wood>

                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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