On Wed, 26 Aug 2015, Eric S. Raymond wrote:

> After comparing with the Subversion hists, passswd file, the are 30
> unknowns left.  Can anyone identify any of these?
> aluchko = aluchko <aluchko>

Aaron Luchko <aluc...@redhat.com>

> bo = bo <bo>

Bo Thorsen <b...@suse.de>

> ira = ira <ira>

Ira Ruben <i...@apple.com>

> irar = irar <irar>

Ira Rosen <i...@il.ibm.com>

> kristerw = kristerw <kristerw>

Krister Walfridsson <krister.walfrids...@gmail.com>

> matthewg = matthewg <matthewg>

Matthew Sachs <msa...@apple.com>

> membar = membar <membar>

Mohan Embar <gnust...@thisiscool.com>

> mkoch = mkoch <mkoch>

Michael Koch <konque...@gmx.de>

> srladd = srladd <srladd>

Scott Robert Ladd <scott.l...@coyotegulch.com>

> steven = steven <steven>

Steven Bosscher <ste...@gcc.gnu.org>

> woepaul = woepaul <woepaul>

Paul Woegerer <paul.woege...@nsc.com>

All of the above are emails from the time of some commits, not necessarily 

Joseph S. Myers

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