On 07/27/2013 08:36 PM, Kiefmann Bernhard wrote: > As you can read below, I need some information regarding the development of > the GCC's. Some of the questions below were answered me already but I can not > find any references to the use of formal or semi-formal methods. as > - Logic / functional block diagrams > - Flow charts > - Data flow diagrams > - Finite state machines / state transition diagrams > - Timed Petri Nets > - Entity Relationship Attribute data model > - Messages history tables > - Entscheidungs-/Wahrheitstabellen > and > CCS, > CSP, HOL, LOTOS, OBJ, temporary logic, VDM and Z.
Yes, it's all true. Out here in the real world we don't do any of that. ;-) Andrew.