Kiefmann Bernhard wrote:
My name is Bernhard Kiefmann and I'm writing my Master's thesis with the topic "the 
suitability of the GNU C compiler used in safety-related areas". The first problem 
with this is that I have to check if the compiler met the requirements of the 
international standard IEC 61508:2010. Here I would like to ask you my question as 

I think GCC developers and users have different requirements and "Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems" is for most of them not the top priority and presumably difficult to achieve for the whole project.

However, I know that the Ada community is wary about the issue and that GCC's gnat (GCC' Ada compiler) is used in safety-critical areas. Also AdaCore (main contributor to the gnat development) advertises "Aids in establishing certification requirements (DO-178B level A / DO-178C-ready, EN 50128, IEC 61508, ECCS-E40B)".

See also for someone using GCC's Ada compiler for a project, requiring DO178-B/C certification.

Thus, I think the GCC Ada developers/AdaCore developers should be best suited to answer your questions.

I will try to give a first answer to your questions, but as I did not have anything to do with safety certification, I won't be able to give perfect answers.

   1) What are the rules of the compiler development? Are there any diagrams of 
UML? Because they are a requirement of the standard.

Let's start with bugs as there the scheme is a bit easier: If a bug is found and analyzed and a patch has been found, the patch is submitted together with a test case, which becomes part of the regression test suite. Before submitting the patch, it is required to do a build (bootstrap) of the compiler and a run of the test suite without any (new) failure. The patch is then submitted to the gcc-patches mailing list, which allows others to comment and nonobvious patches require the approval prior checkin. - The bootstrap and test-suite run is only done for one architecture, however, as others build+regression test the compiler on various systems regularly, platform specific issues are also detected. Additionally, some other applications/benchmarks/testsuite are also regularly run.

Regarding the addition of new features: It really depends on the developer; I think most do not use UML, but some may.

Actually, a compiler is a rather complex program such that UML does not seem to be a practical approach for the development. Nor is it possible to test all possible code paths. I also believe that a compiler is not required to be developed using UML - contrary to programs requiring safety certification. In any case, I am pretty sure that GNAT is used in safety critical application, which pass the certification.

If I recall correctly some talk by GNAT/AdaCore developers, for certification, they need to prove that the input GNAT code leads to correct assembler at the end - how it reaches the code is not important. But proving that is does, is a bit cumbersome.

   2) Are there activities for the Functional Verification?

For the compiler itself, there is only manually writing test cases for new features which should try to give a broad coverage of the new feature, including both valid and invalid (to be diagnosed) code and both compile and run-time test, partially with inspecting the generated code. Plus code-review which does nor really count as formal verification.

However, for applications using GCC, there exist tools. See for instance, which is in the context of functional verification and GCC's gnat/C compilers.

If you have information here for me I would rather help in assessing whether 
the compiler for use in safety-relevant area is suitable.

Well, given that it is used to create programs for safety critical areas, certification agencies seem to regard it (in conjunction with suitable verifications) as suitable ;-)

I hope it helps a bit - any that you will get replies from others who know better how the safety-related certification works.

And good luck with your thesis!


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