Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

My name is Bernhard Kiefmann and I'm writing my Master's thesis with the topic 
"the suitability of the GNU C compiler used in safety-related areas". The first 
problem with this is that I have to check if the compiler met the requirements 
of the international standard IEC 61508:2010. Here I would like to ask you my 
question as follows:

  1) What are the rules of the compiler development? Are there any diagrams of 
UML? Because they are a requirement of the standard.
  2) Are there activities for the Functional Verification?
  3) What procedures and measures for
       - The design and programming guidelines
       - Dynamic analysis and testing
       - Functional testing and black box testing
       - Ausfall-/Versagensanalyse
       - modeling
       - Performance tests
       - Semi Formal Methods
       - Static Analysis
       - Modular approach

If you have information here for me I would rather help in assessing whether 
the compiler for use in safety-relevant area is suitable. 
The second point of my work is concerned with the treatment of releases. Are 
you putting any kind of evidences in your source-code and how they look like?
Because the evidences should be read and analyzed and the investigation should 
demonstrate if the changes in the release code effects on the safety relevant 

I would like to thank you in advance for your help, stand for any questions you 
may have in the meantime, I remain Yours sincerely

Kiefmann Bernhard 

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