On 7 July 2013 15:00, Bruce Korb <bruce.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 07/06/13 11:53, Andreas Schwab wrote:
>> Bruce Korb <bruce.k...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> Why is it that configure worked but stubs-32.h was not found?
>> This is testing the host compiler which doesn't need that file.  You
>> need to build the target compiler before you can test it.
> Sorry, I'm still confused.  I had a fresh openSuSE distro and I
> was trying to build GCC from SVN source.  If doing that requires
> the installation of 32 bit development package, then I think I
> am trying to say that configure should go look for the needed 32
> bit dev package and complain.  I am hoping that the developer
> responsible for the code trying to include the header would
> fiddle the configure script.  I confess to trying to avoid that
> kind of fiddling.

There is no code trying to include the header, GCC doesn't include it
directly, it is included by glibc's <features.h> which is included by
other headers GCC uses.

The point is, how do you test for "the needed 32 bit dev package"?
The only way is to try compiling a program as 32-bit, but that can
only be done by the target compiler once it's built, because the host
compiler might not be capable of 32-bit output.

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