On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Rick Hodgin <foxmuldrs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Why do you want to bother with a non-standard,
>> unportable extension instead of just writing:
>> inline bool isSystemClosed()
>> { return !isSystemOpen; }
>> Which is simple, conventional, easy to understand
>> and portable.
>> Or in C++ just define a suitable type, instead of
>> needing changes to the core language:
>> struct inv_bool {
>>   bool& b;
>>   operator bool() const { return !b; }
>> };
>> inv_bool isSystemClosed = { isSystemOpen };
> There are certain fundamentals in data processing.  The inverse bool is one 
> of them.  Why not be able to reference it more naturally in code utilizing 
> something the compiler already knows about and can wield effortlessly?
> I've thought more about the syntax, and I see this making more sense:
> bool isSystemOpen[!isSystemClosed];
> As the inverse bool relationship is fundamental in software, I hope this will 
> become a C/C++ standard.

I really can't imagine that happening.  As the logical not operation
is fundamental, we already have notation for it.  Why would we add the
complexity of something that looks like a variable but acts like a
function?  In C++ you can already write
  auto isSystemOpen = [&isSystemClosed] { return !isSystemClosed; };
and then use isSystemOpen(), without doing violence to variable
notation.  You can obscure that behind a macro in your own code if you
wish, as in
  #define OPPOSITE(realVariable) (&realVariable] { return !realVariable; })
  auto isSystemOpen = OPPOSITE(isSystemClosed);
but wanting to make something that's a function look like a variable
isn't likely to get much traction in either language.

-- James

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