On 13 April 2012 05:36, Gabriel Dos Reis <g...@integrable-solutions.net> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 9:26 PM, Manuel López-Ibáñez
> <lopeziba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I find the color output of Clang just beautiful and, in my opinion,
>> color support in GCC would make it a bit more beautiful and attract
>> new users, so it is a much better use of developer's time than fixing
>> yet another obscure diagnostic issue that only triggers with a careful
>> ad-hoc example. That said, I do really think you are free to work on
>> what interests you, so I hope to see your patches fixing diagnostics
>> issues soon.
> Is this the kind of protracted passive-aggressive opinion you were looking 
> for?

I think my words above should be read in their own context, where
their true meaning can be fully appreciated. Then, one may be able to
appreciate that:

* Saying "I don't think X is important, so I am against it and you
should spend your free time in Y." and "Of course, you are free to
spend your time in whatever you want." is not logically consistent.
The only choices offered are Y or nothing.

* A real choice is offered by the paragraph above which changes the
statement to "I don't think X is important, and you should use spend
your free time on Y, but I am not against Y, so patches welcome."

* In the paragraph above, you also seem to have missed the irony that
the example I chose as "not important" are small diagnostic issues, on
which I (among very very few) have spent significant effort in the
recent years. I was hoping that this irony would help the reader to
understand that the example is not meant to be taken seriously, and it
is only there to demonstrate the previous logical inconsistency.

But my writing skills are still as poor as always, since it seems I am
having trouble making myself understood by some. So if you still
didn't get my point above, I am unable to explain myself in better
terms. Thus, let's forget about this and focus on the issue at hand.



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