On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 12:42:19AM +0200, Manuel López-Ibáñez wrote:
> I would like to have color output. And since nobody is paying me to do
> this work, I'd rather work on what I would like to have. The question
> is whether this is something that GCC wants to have.
> If the answer is NO, that is fine, I will have more free time.

I'm not interested in color output, and would turn it off if it were
implemented (the escape sequences would just mess things up when capturing
compiler output in log files).

Clang is much smarter about identifying what the user probably meant when
the issue is a typo, or "." instead of "->" or vice versa.  Getting GCC to
do at least as well in this area is a much better use of developers' time
than presenting a cascade of unintelligible messages resulting from
template expansion in full color.

That said, you're free to work on what interests you.

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