On Tue, 8 Nov 2011, Hans-Peter Nilsson wrote:

> > Making something involving new types - and so ABI impact - universal
> > without actually agreeing the ABI for each target with appropriate ABI
> > maintainers or interest groups for that target is not a good idea.  It
> > leads to ABI incompatibility with other compilers, and to inefficient and
> > poorly specified ABIs that are "whatever GCC happens to implement if you
> > don't think about it" like we have on several targets for complex
> > types....
> I'd hope ABI issues would be solved trivially by mapping to the
> same-sized integer type, the one ISTR you mentioned would be a
> good idea to keep before lowering the operations ;) but I guess
> I see your point.
The ABI also needs to say which is the same-sized type - and how many 
integer and fractional bits there are - and there's no guarantee that the 
psABI maintainers will actually make it behave like the same-sized integer 

Joseph S. Myers

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