On Wed, 21 Sep 2011, Joe Buck wrote:
> No, the page now claims something that is incorrect.  The C++0x draft
> is no longer evolving.  C++11 is an official standard now.

How about the patch below?  It tries to reflect the release of
C++11.  There definitely will be more adjustments, but this is
a first step addressing the issue Joe raised (and a bit more).

Okay?  (I'll also be happy to make further changes.)


Index: cxx0x.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/projects/cxx0x.html,v
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -u -r1.50 cxx0x.html
--- cxx0x.html  26 Oct 2011 19:48:57 -0000      1.50
+++ cxx0x.html  30 Oct 2011 13:11:47 -0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-  <title>C++0x Support in GCC</title>
+  <title>C++0x/C++11 Support in GCC</title>
     <style type="text/css">
       /* <![CDATA[*/
         tr.separator { background: #ffffcc}
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
-  <h1>C++0x Support in GCC</h1>
+  <h1>C++0x/C++11 Support in GCC</h1>
-  <p>C++0x is the working name of the next ISO C++ standard, due by
-  the end of this decade, which introduces a host of new features into
-  the standard C++ language and library. This project seeks to
+  <p>C++0x was the working name of a new ISO C++ standard, which then
+  was released in 2011 as C++11 and introduces a host of new features
+  into the standard C++ language and library. This project seeks to
   implement new C++0x features in GCC and to make it one of the first
   compilers to bring C++0x to C++ programmers.</p>
@@ -27,10 +27,8 @@
       add <code>-std=gnu++0x</code> to your <code>g++</code> command
-  <p><b>Important</b>: because the ISO C++0x draft is still evolving,
-  GCC's support for C++0x is <b>experimental</b>.  No attempt will be
-  made to maintain backward compatibility with implementations of
-  C++0x features that do not reflect the final C++0x standard.</p>
+  <p><strong>Important</strong>: GCC's support for C++11 is still
+  <strong>experimental</strong>.</p>
 <h2>C++0x Language Features</h2>

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