On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 10:25 AM, Ulf Magnusson <ulfali...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 12:55 AM, Pedro Pedruzzi
> <pedro.pedru...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Em 05-10-2011 17:11, Ulf Magnusson escreveu:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've been experimenting with different methods for emulating the
>>> signed overflow of an 8-bit CPU.
>> You would like to check whether a 8-bit signed addition will overflow or
>> not, given the two operands. Is that correct?
>> As you used the word `emulating', I am assuming that your function will
>> not run by the mentioned CPU.
> No, it'll most likely only run on systems with a wider bitness.
>> Does this 8-bit CPU use two's complement representation?
> Yes, and the criterion for signed overflow is "both numbers have the
> same sign, but the sign of the sum is different". Should have made
> that more clear.
>>> The method I've found that seems to
>>> generate the most efficient code on both ARM and x86 is
>>> bool overflow(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {
>>>     const unsigned int sum = (int8_t)a + (int8_t)b;
>>>     return (int8_t)sum != sum;
>>> }
>>> (The real function would probably be 'inline', of course. Regs are
>>> stored in overlong variables, hence 'unsigned int'.)
>>> Looking at the spec, it unfortunately seems the behavior of this
>>> function is undefined, as it relies on signed int addition wrapping,
>>> and that (int8_t)sum truncates bits. Is there some way to make this
>>> guaranteed safe with GCC without resorting to inline asm? Locally
>>> enabling -fwrap takes care of the addition, but that still leaves the
>>> conversion.
>> I believe the cast from unsigned int to int8_t is implementation-defined
>> for values that can't be represented in int8_t (e.g. 0xff). A kind of
>> `undefined behavior' as well.
>> I tried:
>> bool overflow(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {
>>    const unsigned int sum = a + b;
>>    return ((a & 0x80) == (b & 0x80)) && ((a & 0x80) != (sum & 0x80));
>> }
>> But it is not as efficient as yours.
>> --
>> Pedro Pedruzzi
> Yeah, I tried similar bit-trickery along the lines of
> bool overflow(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {
>    const uint8_t ab = (uint8_t)a;
>    const uint8_t bb = (uint8_t)b;
>    const uint8_t sum = ab + bb;
>    return (ab ^ bb) & ~(ab ^ sum) & 0x80;
> }
> , but it doesn't seem to generate very efficient code.
> /Ulf

Might as well do

bool overflowbit(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {
    const unsigned int sum = a + b;
    return (a ^ b) & ~(a ^ sum) & 0x80;

But still not very good output compared to other approaches as expected.


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