On 06/19/2011 06:04 PM, "C. Bergström" wrote:
3) Fortran HPC community as a whole - The majority of Fortran users I know work in or around HPC. (I may be biased) With that I can't say most of them care about open source at all. (Some do) They buy/use PathScale/PGI/Intel and for the larger labs I'm not sure if they use gfortran.

I think you are biased that most Fortran users work around HPC. They mostly do work in natural science; thus, the kind of programs which run on HPC machines. But there are many users which have programs fast enough to run them on a laptop or work station in serial mode. However, a large minority of those programs also runs in parallel and thus on multi-cores, small clusters up to the HPC machines. While for HPC sites and larger institutions the compiler costs are negligible, for a smaller university group or for the laptop/computer at home, it matters - and gfortran fills the gap. That's also what I hear from vendors: The availability of gfortran - other free Fortran compilers do not seem to play a role (any more) - improves their sales.

For HPC sites themselves: All sites I know run Linux have have besides one - or several - vendor compilers also GCC/gfortran installed - and support it. Also some HPC vendors give support to their customers for GCC/gfortran. The reason for having a backup compiler is on one hand that code might not work with the vendor compiler (esp. in case of C/C++) but also if the vendor compiler has a bug. (Someone told me that gfortran saved a PhD thesis by being a replacement for a vendor compiler - with being only minutely slower. The vendor compiler was fixed eventually, but it took several months.)

My impression from both HPC sites, from users and other vendors is: All HPC sites have GCC/gfortran installed and use it as additional compiler besides the vendor/commercial compiler(s). Additionally, it is very common to have a commercial compiler at work - and use gfortran at home/on the laptop. Thus, many institutions require that their code also runs with gfortran - even though their main work horse is a commercial compiler. [Personal observation: On x86-64, gfortran is everywhere installed, the Intel compiler is very often, on two systems I also saw PGI - but I have never seen PathScale.]

I also do not agree about the statement that they do not care about Open Source. I know several places (large institutions like weather services or small projects) where the availability of a free (mostly: Open Source) compiler is a requirement and features not supported by gfortran my not be included. Thus, gfortran seems to be rather known among users and in the lower management. I heard also of some aviation company which considered to use gfortran because it was the only compiler supporting all their platforms. On the other hand, there are places where only some commercial compiler will do because the management does not trust free/OpenSource software. (They still often have GCC installed additionally.)

Most of them want their code to compile, get best performance and sometimes use F2K3. You're not going to stop them from buying commercially supported compilers.

First, one can also buy support for GCC and thus gfortran: Either directly via support contracts or indirectly via buying an enterprise Linux distribution. But having a commercial compiler does not rule out having an Open Source compiler; similarly, producing a commercial compiler does not stop companies of also supporting GCC - be it by bug reports, support to customers or directly contribution to the development of GCC. I also use all kinds of compiler: Having multiple compilers helps to find bugs in the code; independent of performance, it is convenient to use the default compiler on a given system - which might be gfortran at home and some commercial compiler at work/HPC centers.

However, I do not buy the F2003 and performance argument. gfortran is not really lagging behind Fortran 2003/2008. The number of compilers which are further is quite low and they are also not years ahead. (Though, having a more complete implementation is wished by everyone: Users, compiler developers and also other vendors [at least if they support that feature already].)

And with regards to performance, I think GCC is seriously underrated. One reason might be that the default settings are rather on the safe than on the performance side. If I look at benchmarks - such as at the one at Polyhedron (http://www.polyhedron.com/compare0html) I do not see a drastic difference (~25% slower than the fastest compiler for the geometric means) - and the site compares an old version of gfortran against the latest commercial compilers.

In my test, GCC 4.7 -Ofast -march=native -funroll-loops -finline-limit=600 is on average 3 to 16% *faster* than the other known-to-be-fast compilers I tested. [1] The variance is large and can easily reach a factor 2 for single benchmarks. Experience shows that it also can strongly depend on the math library. For instance, FSF GLIBC seems to be slow on x86-64 for many single-precision math operations (double precision is fine). Using a different math library, I can gain another 5% performance (8 to 21% faster than the other compilers). Note: Also my numbers are not completely fair as I have not tested the newest version of other compilers and possibly some settings could be improved (both for GCC and for the other compilers). However, those numbers do not seem to indicate that other compilers are - on average - significantly faster. Having a, e.g., 6% faster run time usually does not really matter. (https://users.physik.fu-berlin.de/~tburnus/gcc-trunk/benchmark/iff/#rt)

I think there are many reasons to buy a commercial compiler; better diagnostic, better performance, or just different diagnostics and different bugs are good reasons. But expecting a significant performance gain by blindly buying a commercial compiler is doomed to fail. Either one should not expect a big gain - or one should run performance tests with the actual program.

In this case I serve the end user/community and not directly open source. Why? Would it be good for Fortran if a F2K3 front-end was freely available under a commercially friendly license? (This is a deeper question I'd love feedback on)

a. I see people moving away from Fortran and more towards C++. (Sorry no empirical data to back this, but how do we stop this trend)

Me too, though I think the main reason is that they simply do not know any Fortran after FORTRAN 77 (written in a Fortran 66 style and without indention). Hence, they think that Fortran is obsolete. That seems to be in particular a problem for people who studied computer science. The other reason is that the appearance of Fortran 90 compilers (commercial but in particular free/opensource) was slow and F2003 implementation takes also long (no difference between commercial and open source).

Admittedly, I do not see a difference between the status quo and your proposal (F2003 front end under a commercially friendly license): gfortran and also Intel's compiler are widely used from laptops and desktops under Linux/Windows/MacOS to HPC systems. Those and the HPC-specific IBM xlf and Cray ftn compilers support a large chunk of Fortran 2003. I do not see either of these vendors changing their front end. Also NAG (known for the diagnostic) and PGI have a substantial part of Fortran 2003 implemented. While I would like to see a more complete implementation of Fortran 2003 and 2008 in all listed compilers and also a catching up of other compilers, I do not think that having a new commercially licence-friendly front end will make much of a difference in practice. Though I might be proven wrong.

b. People are trying to write books on F2K3, but what compiler can they even base their book on?

None. At least until recently, I have not seen any full, sufficiently bug-free Fortran 2003 compiler. Nowadays, the number of supported features is quite large and usable, but not yet complete. On the other hand, when book authors start writing about a new standard immediately after it has been released, it is not surprising that not all features work. I think that also not really a problem.

Additionally, it is also not restricted to Fortran. C99 has/had also the problem of getting implemented and C++0x (or should it be now C++1x?) will also only show a slow adoption and implementation.

c. Would there be any positive impact if every major vendor had the same front-end as gfortran and implemented the latest standard? (or even worse sent patches)

First part: Maybe. Having the same front-end is a double-edged sword: If one compiler has a bug, the other compilers have the same bug - unless, the vendors do not contribute back, which makes the advantage of having initially the same front end mute. However, I find it unlikely that many vendors would switch the front end. Either the lag behind so much that they are essentially out of business - also swapping a front end costs many months of integration work, or they have a nicely working front end such that changing it wouldn't gain anything but introducing new bugs (even if it fixes old bugs). Thus, I would assume the number of vendors switching will be rather low.

Submitting (integrable) patches is of course positive. Also testing gfortran or sharing bug reports is useful (the two latter also works when using a different front end).

d. Would there be any negative impact to gfortran if PGI/Intel took the front-end? (Or even worse PathScale *gasp*)

I think by itself not. As written, I doubt that PGI or Intel would do this - contrary to PathScale. There is of course the issue of the licence (for instance staying with the FSF licence or relicensing contributions *also* under a more "commercially friendly" licence). I have difficulties to assess the effect - especially in the mid and long term. How will it effect the contribution to GCC - will it increase or decrease in the long run?

Thus, any contribution to the FSF GCC is highly welcome, commercial products in general but also commercial products based on GCC are perfectly acceptable (even more so if the users/companies contributed back). While with regards to licence issues, the effect is nontrivial to assess. Having a better support for Fortran 2008 in any commercial/noncommercial compiler definitely helps the language and also every user (by giving them more choices between compilers and language [features]).


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