On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 12:13:25AM +0700, "C. Bergstr?m" wrote: > On 06/18/11 11:41 PM, Steve Kargl wrote: > >Good luck with that endeavor. After the gfortran fork, > >a certain individual would routinely obfusicate the code > >in one of the repositories via gratuitious code motion, > >varaible renaming, and whitespace munging. This was an > >attempt to neutered diff. This same individual did not > >include a ChangeLog along with the code, which again made > >it difficult to understand what and why code was changed. > >Finally, note I use the word repository here rather loosely > >because one repository became hidden and only snapshot > >tarballs were released. > Lets not beat up Andy on this at all, ok? I want to put all this shit > behind us and possibly work together.
I'm not beating up on Andy. I'm just reporting history and why it is nearly impossible to compare g95 code to gfortran code. > So what I'm looking at and comparing has nothing to with him at all in > fact. It's the last commit from Paul in the g95 tree to the 1st commit > from Paul in the gcc-g95 tree. Those should imho be equivalent, but > they aren't. If the additional files were from Paul it wouldn't be > interesting at all, but they aren't and I want to know who/where/what on > them. You'll probably need to talk with Paul Brook. I suspect the timeline goes something like Andy closes g95 repository. pbrook and stevenb fork g95 to gfortran, and asks the FSF/GCC steering committee for permission to import code into GCC. 3 months later FSF/GCC steering committee gives the OK. Meanwhile, pbrook and stevenb continued to work on code in their private trees. -- Steve