On 6/9/11, Janis Johnson <jani...@codesourcery.com> wrote:
> On 06/08/2011 01:54 PM, Lawrence Crowl wrote:
>> On 6/6/11, Janis Johnson <jani...@codesourcery.com> wrote:
>>> On 06/03/2011 11:14 AM, Lawrence Crowl wrote:
>>>> The PPH project has tests that compile two different ways, and
>>>> then compare the assembly.  If either of the compiles fails, the
>>>> comparison will fail.  We'd like to simply not run the comparison.
>>>> We currently have:
>>>> set have_errs [llength [grep $test "{\[ \t\]\+dg-error\[\t\]\+.*\[
>>>> \t\]\+}"]]
>>>> # Compile the file the first time for a base case.
>>>> dg-test -keep-output $test "$options -I." ""
>>>> if { $have_errs } {
>>>>    verbose -log "regular compilation failed"
>>>>    fail "$nshort $options, regular compilation failed"
>>>>    return
>>>> }
>>>> But that only stops subsequent actions when the test is known
>>>> a priori to have errors.  How do we detect compilation errors,
>>>> so as to skip the remainder of the actions?
>>> Complicated GCC tests do this by using local procs instead of dg-runtest
>>> and dg-test.  See, for example, gcc.dg/lto/lto.exp,
>>> gcc.dg/compat/compat.exp and gcc.dg/tree-prof/tree-prof.exp, which use
>>> lto.exp, compat.exp and profopt.exp from GCC's testsuite/lib.  Those
>>> have scenarios in which further testing is skipped after a compile or
>>> link fails.
>> So, I ended up changing the definition of fail from "reports test
>> failing" to "does not produce an assembly file".  We really need
>> the latter for comparison, so it is the true measure.  Once I made
>> that change in orientation, I was able to achieve what I wanted.
>> The simple part is the regular compile.
>>     # Compile the file the first time for a base case.
>>     set dg-do-what-default compile
>>     dg-test -keep-output $test "$options -I." ""
>>     # Quit if it did not compile successfully.
>>     if { ![file_on_host exists "$bname.s"] } {
>>         # All regular compiles should pass.
>>         fail "$nshort $options (regular assembly missing)"
>>         return
>>     }
> Don't use dg-test, use a new variant of it as is done with the lto,
> compat, and profopt tests.  You'll have much more control that way
> and can better check the success of individual steps to decide what
> to do next.

I am having trouble identifying the variant.  Does it have a name,
or is it inline code?

>> The complicated part is the compile we are comparing against, which
>> required knowing whether or not a compile failure is expected.  For
>> that we grep for dg-xfail-if and the appropriate option.
>>     # Compile a second time using the pph files.
>>     dg-test -keep-output $test "$options $mapflag -I." ""
>>     # Quit if it did not compile successfully.
>>     if { ![file_on_host exists "$bname.s"] } {
>>         # Expect assembly to be missing when the compile is an expected fail.
>>         if { ![llength [grep $test "dg-xfail-if.*-fpph-map"]] } {
>>             fail "$nshort $options (pph assembly missing)"
>>         }
>>         return
>>     }
> Relying on the existence of dg-xfail-if won't work when an expected
> compilation failure starts working, or an unexpected one arises.

If the compilation starts working, I get an assembly file, and
continue to assembly comparisons.  If the compilation fails,
but with a different error, then the other (typically dg-bogus)
directives should report the unexpected failure.  In either case,
I think, I get proper notice.  Am I missing something?

Lawrence Crowl

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