The PPH project has tests that compile two different ways, and
then compare the assembly.  If either of the compiles fails, the
comparison will fail.  We'd like to simply not run the comparison.

We currently have:

set have_errs [llength [grep $test "{\[ \t\]\+dg-error\[\t\]\+.*\[ \t\]\+}"]]
# Compile the file the first time for a base case.
dg-test -keep-output $test "$options -I." ""

if { $have_errs } {
   verbose -log "regular compilation failed"
   fail "$nshort $options, regular compilation failed"

But that only stops subsequent actions when the test is known
a priori to have errors.  How do we detect compilation errors,
so as to skip the remainder of the actions?

Lawrence Crowl

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