On 17 March 2011 18:29, Rodrigo Rivas wrote:
>> Actually, re-reading that and the following messages on the thread,
>> I'm wrong about the lookup being independent - if it only finds a
>> begin() member and no end() member it should still try to use r.end(),
>> and therefore give an error. It should not be possible to use
>> r.begin() and end(r)
> I think that assuring that both are read from the same place makes more sense.
> Using r.begin() and end(r) is mixing two partial, possibly
> incompatible interfaces to the same data, and that should not be done
> silently.
> My patch does this mainly because it was easier to implement ;-).

How about this?  (only very very lightly tested)

Attachment: rangefor.patch
Description: Binary data

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