What are the base option set used in all the comparison? O2, O3? Some of the build time results look weired -- e.g., adding -march speeds up *compile time* by 35%.
David On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 8:08 AM, Tony Poppleton <tony.popple...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi, > > The following article has a fairly comprehensive set of benchmarks run > against all the current stable releases of GCC as well as 4.6.0. > http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel_avx_gcc&num=1 > > There are some great results for 4.6.0 in there, which is very good > news (congratulations!). However there are also some performance > regressions, some of which are fairly significant. > > I have a few questions regarding these regressions; > 1. Can any of these results be logged as 4.6 regressions in bugzilla, > or are they too general as they stand to be of any use to anyone? > 2. If not, any advice on how I can break these up into smaller chunks > that would be of use? > 3. Is there a single person assigned to looking at performance issues, > or is this handled by the community as a whole? > 4. Is there a benchmark suite similar to the test suite, that these > benchmarks could be added to? > > Thanks, > Tony >