Hi, The following article has a fairly comprehensive set of benchmarks run against all the current stable releases of GCC as well as 4.6.0. http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel_avx_gcc&num=1
There are some great results for 4.6.0 in there, which is very good news (congratulations!). However there are also some performance regressions, some of which are fairly significant. I have a few questions regarding these regressions; 1. Can any of these results be logged as 4.6 regressions in bugzilla, or are they too general as they stand to be of any use to anyone? 2. If not, any advice on how I can break these up into smaller chunks that would be of use? 3. Is there a single person assigned to looking at performance issues, or is this handled by the community as a whole? 4. Is there a benchmark suite similar to the test suite, that these benchmarks could be added to? Thanks, Tony