On 11/01/2010 05:50 PM, Tom Tromey wrote:
>>>>>> "Steven" == Steven Bosscher <stevenb....@gmail.com> writes:
> Steven> The argument against disabling java as a default language always was
> Steven> that there should be at least one default language that requires
> Steven> non-call exceptions. I recall testing many patches without trouble if
> Steven> I did experimental builds with just C, C++, and Fortran, only to find
> Steven> lots of java test suite failures in a complete bootstrap+test cycle.
> Steven> So the second point is, IMVHO, not really true.
> Is it possible to convert all failures of this form into a C++ test case
> with -fnon-call-exceptions?  If so then at least there is a way to add
> regression tests.

In practice, no.  We don't know what the C++ equivalent is until we've
seen the Java (or Ada) test failure.  In the Rumsfeld epistemology it's
an unknown uknown, something that we don't know we don't know.

> Steven> Is it possible to build and test java without all of libjava?
> As far as I'm aware, not at present.  I think even the minimal possible
> subset of libjava is pretty big, on the order of hundreds of classes,

And the failures I've seen have been in some of the crazy cases, not
just simple Java code, where things get complicated.


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