On 8 July 2010 13:45, Robert Dewar wrote:
> Joern Rennecke wrote:
>> Quoting Robert Dewar <de...@adacore.com>:
>>> But as noted the C++ standard prefers integral type, so might as well
>>> standardize on that when talking about C or C++.
>> I think it also helps clarity to speak of integral types.  I.e. in the C
>> family of languages, 'char' is an integral type, but you may not use the
>> 'int' keyword for a 'char' declaration.
> that's actually a good *technical* argument for systematically using
> integral instead of integer. If we have a glossary somewhere, we could
> even have an entry for integral type that pointed out that this includes
> char.

There's a "Spelling, terminology and markup" section in

(Hoorah, I'm glad some good will come of this otherwise pretty
pointless thread!)

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