> > > But in the C++ standard "integral expression" is more common.

"integral" is an adjective and "integer" is a noun.

"integer expression", though gramatically wrong (or, at best, an
elision of two nouns), is perfectly clear and unambiguous, whereas
"integral expression", though gramatically correct, hits some people
as "built-in expression" and trips others up as an unfamiliar and rare
word whose meaning is uncertain - for what gain?

Personally, I like "integral expression", but then I'm a
native-English speaker and UK academic with an extended vocabulary.

For world-class dovumentation, it depends whether it's more important
to be clear and unambiguous to all readers or an object lesson in
type-correct advanced English.
I'd say our friend has pointed out a tiny place where it could be made
a little more effective in the first of these purposes.


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