On 23 April 2010 15:05, Philipp Thomas <p...@suse.de> wrote:
> * Ian Lance Taylor (i...@google.com) [20100413 00:41]:
>> Details of GIMPLE IR: poor.
>> Details of tree IR: poor.
>> How to write a new optimization pass: poor.
>> How to write a new frontend: nonexistent.
>> General overview of compiler source: nonexistent.
>> Overview of internal compiler datastructures: nonexistent.
> I'd say these these warrant an additional bullet "Documentation" under
> "Improving GCC" on the GCC wiki that then lists (at least) these points.
> It's not much, but it at least shows the GCC developers are aware and just
> maybe it does attract the interest of someone.

Great! Go ahead, please. The wiki is easy to edit. Bonus points if you
collect there links to the existing documentation, so anyone wishing
to help has the many sources at hand.



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