On 04/12/2010 04:18 PM, Dave Korn wrote:
Could anyone really believe that without being a grade A tinfoil-hat
wearing crazy?  More precisely, could anyone capable of the kind of
rational thought processes that they'd need to have in order to be
able to make any kind of contribution to the GCC project really
believe that?  I'm not convinced that we need to worry much about
what generic non-contributing internet kooks, trolls and idiots

Unfortunately there is a great deal of people that are ready to drop
sh*t on projects just because they are copyleft, and that doesn't help GCC.

Of course, those are the same people that wonder "why" when a random company promises contributing some cool technology to a BSD-licensed project, and then changes their mind.

We can indeed choose to ignore trolls; still, they exist.


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