Jack Howarth a écrit :
   Apple's gcc is based on their own branch and is not the
same as FSF gcc. The first FSF gcc that is validated on
on darwin10 was gcc 4.4. However I would suggest you first
start testing against current FSF gcc trunk. There are a
number of fixes for darwin10 that aren't present in the
FSF gcc 4.4.x releases yet. In particular, the compilers
now link with -no_compact_unwind by default on darwin10
to avoid using the new compact unwinder. Also, when you
build your JVM, I would suggest you stick to the FSF gcc
trunk compilers you build. In particular, the Apple libstdc++
and FSF libstdc++ aren't interchangable on intel. So you don't
want to mix c++ code built with the two different compilers.
OK. I downloaded gcc 4.4 and recompiled all the server again with it.
Now, throws within C++ work but not when they have to pass through
the JITted code.

The problem is that we need to link with quite a lot of libraries:
/usr/local/gcc-4.5/bin/g++ -o Debug/server -m64 -fPIC -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g -O0 -w Debug/service_helper.o Debug/service.o -L../Debug/64 -ldatabaselibrary -lcryptolibrary -lCPThreadLibrary -lshared -lwin32 -L../CryptoLibrary/lib/Darwin/64 -lcrypto -lssl -lsrp -lint128 -ldl -lpthread ../icu/icu3.4/lib/mac/libicui18n.dylib.34 ../icu/icu3.4/lib/mac/libicuuc.dylib.34 ../icu/icu3.4/lib/mac/libicudata.dylib.34 ../CompilerLibrary/mac/libcclib64.a ../Debug/64/libwin32.a

What can I do about libssl.a, libdl.a  libcrypto.A?

Those are system libraries and I do not have the source code.
Should I compile those too?

I downloaded gcc 4.5 and the situation is the same...


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