
I have developed a JIT for linux 64 bits. It generates exception handling information
according to DWARF under linux and it works with gcc 4.2.1.

I have recompiled the same code under the Macintosh and something has changed,
apparently, because now any throw that passes through my code crashes.

Are there any differences bertween the exception info format between the
macintosh and linux?

The stack at the moment of the throw looks like this:

   CPP code compiled with gcc  4.2.1 calls
   JIT code generated on the fly by my JIT compiler that calls
   CPP code compiled with gcc 4.2.1 that throws. The catch
   is in the CPP code
The throw must go through the JIT code, so it needs the DWARF frame descriptions
that I generate. Apparently there is a difference.

Thanks in advance for any information.


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