I want to detect simple 'if-else' statements for which i need to understand the 
source code of gcc. I am using version 4.4.0.

I am tried to debug gcc using the following commands

1)[sw...@localhost ~]$ gdb --args /usr/bin/gcc

Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install gcc-4.4.0-4.i586

2)(gdb) run gcc
Starting program: /usr/bin/gcc gcc

//The error is as follows:

gcc: gcc: No such file or directory
gcc: no input files

Program exited with code 01.

// i tried next , the exec command  but still faced same error

(gdb) exec gcc
(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/lib/ccache/gcc gcc
Executing new program: /usr/bin/gcc
Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install ccache-2.4-14.fc11.i586
gcc: gcc: No such file or directory
gcc: no input files

Program exited with code 01.
Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install gcc-4.4.0-4.i586

S Raina

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