>> >> Could this be related to old-vs-new EABI? Is the stack aligned to the >> same >> multiple on entry to main in both old and new executables? The assembler >> code >> looked basically the same, except the stack frame size has changed and a >> lot >> of things that were aligned to an (odd/even) multiple of 8 may now be >> aligned >> to an (even/odd) multiple instead. > > Also the message thread started by : > > http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-help/2009-03/msg00107.html > > could be checked... Although taking part in it, I don't remember what > was solved or not :( In any case Vincent R. could know something more > now...
Hi, I was working on this when I had plenty of time but its not the case anymore Last time I had a look very quickly but I got a headache reading arm assembly and I gave up. I suppose you already tried but Pedro Alves is the right person to fix that so you might need to beg him to have a look. On my side, I will try again tomorrow to see what's wrong but I don't expect to find the problem.