[I probably tried the wrong list earlier, got no reply on gcc-help.] I've been looking into this problem, I don't seem to be able to track it down. With the addition of gcc-4.4.0 to the cegcc toolset, the ARM float/double arithmetic appears to be broken.
Environment is cross-development for execution on Windows CE platforms, for ARM processors. I'm looking for pointers to understanding this. Fixes would be welcome too but that might be a bit much to ask ;-) Consider this test program. I'm not sure how sensible it is, but it shows at least two current problems. #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> main(int argc, char *argv[]) { double d = 12.0; double dd = d * 3.0; double ddd = 36.0; float fd = 36.0; printf("Foo %d %f %d\n", 34, d, 67); printf(" 12 * 3 -> %f\n", dd); printf(" 36 -> %f\n", fd); printf(" 36 d -> %f\n", ddd); exit (0); } Its output, with the gcc 4.4 build chain on my disk, is : pavilion: {233} arm-mingw32ce-gcc -o float-n2.exe float.c -Wstrict-aliasing=2 pavilion: {234} rcp float-n2.exe ipaq:/temp pavilion: {235} rsh ipaq /temp/float-n2.exe Foo 34 12.000000 67 12 * 3 -> 0.000000 36 -> 0.000000 36 d -> 36.000000 pavilion: {236} The difference between the last two printf statements points out, I think, that a problem exists around printf. Might be float to double conversion. The difference between the second and fourth printf statements points out that a problem exists in arithmetic. (dd and ddd should be equal.) The latter problem is the more urgent one for me. Thanks for any help at all.. Danny P.S. All the code (tweaked gcc, binutils, etc) is in the SVN of the cegcc project at http://sf.net/projects/cegcc . -- Danny Backx ; danny.backx - at - scarlet.be ; http://danny.backx.info