On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 3:19 PM, Dave
Korn<dave.korn.cyg...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Joe Buck wrote:
>> As a general rule there is a performance cost for making iterators
>> on a data structure safe with respect to modifications of that data
>> structure.  I'm not in a position to say what the right solution is
>> in this case, but passes that iterate over bitmaps without modifying
>> those bitmaps shouldn't be penalized.  One solution sometimes used is
>> two sets of iterators, with a slower version that's safe under
>> modification.
>  But then we'll run into the same bug again when someone uses the wrong kind,
> or changes the usage of a bitmap without changing which type it is.

We have this situation with, for example, the immediate use iterators,
and at least as far as anyone knows, it hasn't been broken yet ;)
So i don't think we should be too worried about it happening if we
were to create two types of iterators.

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