Imagine a loop like this
EXECUTE_IF_SET_IN_BITMAP (something, 0, i, bi)
bitmap_clear_bit (something, i)
[ ... whatever code we want to process i, ... ]
This code is unsafe.
If bit I happens to be the only bit set in the current bitmap word, then
bitmap_clear_bit will free the current element and return it to the
element free list where it can be recycled.
So assume the bitmap element gets recycled for some other bitmap... We
then come around to the top of the loop where EXECUTE_IF_SET_IN_BITMAP
will call bmp_iter_set which can reference the recycled element when it
tries to advance to the next element via bi->elt1 = bi->elt1->next. So
we start iterating on elements of a completely different bitmap. You
can assume this is not good.
Our documentation clearly states that I is to remain unchanged, but ISTM
that the bitmap we're iterating over needs to remain unchanged as well.
Is this a known issue, or am I just the lucky bastard who tripped over
it and now gets to audit all the EXECUTE_IF_SET_IN_BITMAP loops?